Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Unfortunately this end to end view so far is seldom seen out there in politics-Henning Weigand

Unfortunately this end to end view so far is seldom seen out there in politics. So far people follow the most simple and best sounding messaging from the party they support (may it be the Greens or Mr. Trump – they all oversimplify), from the NGO to which they donate, or to the brand they buy. Anyone in this chain has a self-interest why they say what they say. Important is to take a step back, take a broad set of factors into account and then make an informed decision. On each individual criteria, that decision will always be vulnerable, as nothing in this world solves all problems. 

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Thursday, November 24, 2022

Of course, not having any of that (Reduce) is the best option. Wherever it is possible and it makes sense, avoidingreducing is what we should aim for.

Of course, not having any of that (Reduce) is the best option. Wherever it is possible and it makes sense, avoiding/reducing is what we should aim for. But it’s easier said than done, and we need to be careful, that this is not demanded in a superficial one dimensional view, not taking into account all relevant aspects: If we go away from a single dimension view of packaging waste into a broader view of all the aspects and properties, packaging needs to embody. Not to have packaging is sometimes not an option.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2022

And the stronger the bag was, the longer it was re-used-Henning Weigand

And the stronger the bag was, the longer it was re-used. So in reality any decision on packaging needs to be taken through the whole lifecycle of the package taking all aspects into account end to end. It is a decision that needs to be made at the start of the chain taking into account what happens at the end of the package.

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Monday, November 21, 2022

What many don’t see is that the “reduce” aspect can hinder recyclability-Henning Weigand

What many don’t see is that the “reduce” aspect can hinder recyclability: When a package is down gauged, e.g. minimizing the plastics thickness, you save CO² and you save cost. It is simple and it’s a fantastic message.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2022

How plastic waste could become such a problem in nowadays world-Henning Weigand

How plastic waste could become such a problem in nowadays world.  A bag from shopping was never just thrown away, it was always always re-used multiple times. I Henning Weigand 

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Monday, November 14, 2022

Unpacked bulk food naturally tends to have a shorter life cycle, tends to break easier-Henning Weigand

In Germany, there is an increasing number of unpacked stores (Unverpackt). For some products, that makes absolute sense. But it may lead to food getting wasted, because unpacked bulk food naturally tends to have a shorter life cycle, tends to break easier. In times of Covid, where smear infections have become an increased problem, bulk is a risk (e.g. with buffet food)

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Friday, November 11, 2022

Where I grew up, reusing things was always a key thing to do-Henning Weigand

It came naturally, even generations back. Sometimes I do not understand the behavior of some people, but then again we all notice how convenient the use and throw concept is (which increases significantly through online shopping). We never bought and threw after using it once. 

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Wednesday, November 2, 2022

This throw away culture is not a good development- Henning Weigand

Throw-away culture is an attitude and sad reality that we face today. In days gone by it was not uncommon to mend and reuse items to get maximum benefits out of a single purchase. But those days are far behind us!

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