Sunday, October 30, 2022

What have we become in our convenience focused society.

It is simple and easy and convenient for us to pick up some food or drink or any other consumable quickly along the way. It is easy to use it and then to throw it away again. Most people – fortunately – still have the courtesy to wait until the next trash can and throw it in there instead of throwing it in any random place from where it easily moves into the ocean leading to the core problem of waste in the ocean, as we face it today.

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Friday, October 28, 2022

Reducing, saving resources and reusing them where possible is not a new concept

It actually is something totally natural in many societies and was a necessary practice, making use of scarce resources. The wealth and prosperity in recent decades, which has distributed progress and prosperity over large parts of the globe has brought along this problem.

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Monday, October 10, 2022

How plastics waste could become such a problem in nowadays world

Where possible, and where the advantages end to end overweigh the disadvantages (e.g. waste of food, hygiene and health – such as viruses, higher CO² footprint for e.g. soy, that has been transported halfway round the globe into Western supermarkets,…). Reducing our packaging to the minimum is a good option, likely the best option. But only, if all relevant factors are taken into account and weighed off end to end. 

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Source - Henning Weigand

Thursday, October 6, 2022

How plastics waste could become such a problem in nowadays world

It is something that needs to be tackled from multiple angles. Education is one of the key levers. Another lever is to rethink the end to end concept of packaging. Which brings us into the “Reduce”, “Reuse”, “Recycle” approach of Packaging.

Click here to read the article 

Source - Henning Weigand

Monday, October 3, 2022

How plastics waste could become such a problem in nowadays world

Of course, not having any of that (Reduce) is the best option. Wherever it is possible and it makes sense, avoiding/reducing is what we should aim for. But it’s easier said than done, and we need to be careful, that this is not demanded in a superficial one dimensional view, not taking into account all relevant aspects: If we go away from a single dimension view of packaging waste into a broader view of all the aspects and properties, packaging needs to embody.

Click here to read the article 

Source - Henning Weigand